Sage – The Waking Giant?

My Sage Preconceptions

Up until this point, my admittedly narrow assessment of Sage has been less than rosy. I saw them as a huge, reactive, disjointed company who thought they were in the acquisition and investment business rather than innovative technology space. I saw a company potentially headed the way of Kodak, from a major leader to irrelevance by not understanding what market they were in.
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Intuit #QBConnect 2015

Last week I was lucky enough to be in San Jose to attend Intuit’s second annual QuickBooks Connect. Only in America could you attend a technology conference headlined by Oprah, with the doyen of the accounting software industry, Scott Cook modestly chatting with THE guru of modern technology development Eric Ries, in one of 15 (yes fifteen) simultaneous stream sessions.

I thought I would sit down and share my takeaways and highlights from a very eye-opening event for me, before I head to #SleeterCon next week and learn some more.

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The 7 C’s

In May this year I was lucky enough to present at the Smithink Young Guns Conference on the Gold Coast. My topic, “Leading the firms’ to leverage cloud and new technologies”. In preparing the presentation into a structure that I hoped would be both impactful and memorable, I managed to codify my key points into what I call “The 7 C’s of Value Added services – the secret to en masse adoption of advisory”.

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Convergent Evolution

I’m by no means the first to compare changes in markets and business models with natural selection and the evolution of life. Many, including myself, particularly in recent times, have (perhaps over) quoted Charles Darwin to describe and motivate audiences to react to the technology driven, disruption upon us:

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change”

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Renovate Don’t Stagnate

My former boss and the major shareholder at Attaché Software, Mike Rich, often spoke about the concept of businesses reaching a point in their life-cycle (perhaps ironically) where they “run out of gas”. He contends that they have 2 options: renovate or stagnate.

Too many Australian businesses have stagnated. It is not good for the stakeholders of those businesses. It is not good for the economy. This is why I have set-up Value Adders – to make a difference. To help businesses to use technology and best practice business process, to grow and fulfill their potential.

Below I have compiled a list of the top 20 tips I have to renovate businesses. I don’t profess these to be original, but I recall a university professor explaining to me during a first year lecture:
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Holistic Chunkification

I presented at the 2014 Leading Age Services Australia (LASA) national conference on the importance of IT integration to drive efficiencies in the aged care sector.

The presentation covered:

  • The change drivers that are restructuring the aged care sector
  • The importance of well-implemented IT systems in improving efficiencies and remaining competitive
  • Current IT trends affecting aged care
  • Why a holistic view of IT is essential for EVERY provider
  • 10 tips for an effective IT strategy

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