2021 Predictions reviewed

For the second year in a row, a hectic start to the year has meant a delay in my recurring new year’s articles. My apologies to those who have been waiting with bated breath. For those who haven’t been following along over the last few years, I generally start each year with 2 articles:

  1. Predictions for the year ahead in Biztech – with a specific AuNZ focus; preceded by
  2. A review of how I went last year to hold myself to account.
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8 trends in the Accountant’s Software Industry

In August I posted this article (I’ve just updated the graphics slightly) signaling my intention to publish a series of blogs on the Accountant’s Software market. Across the preceding 12 months, I had undertaken two separate paid research projects on the state of this market and wanted to publish some of the key findings for the interest/benefit of others.

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