Perspective. It is something I appreciate more as I mature. It is something that hit me hard when I sat down to consider my “review that no-one else would write” for Xerocon Brisbane 2019.
Read moreThe 4 things I’m looking for at Xerocon Brisbane 2019
Next week, something like 4,000 people will descend on Brisbane for “the Festival of the ABCs”.
- Accountants & App Vendors;
- Bookkeepers & Bloggers;
- Consultants & Cloud Integrators;
All heading to Brisvegas to catch up on the latest and greatest things Xero and industry and let’s be frank, party like no-one is watching!
Read moreXerocon 2018 – The review no-one else will write
Recently former Intuit employee David Leary and his fellow #CloudAccounting Podcaster Blake Oliver declared the changing of the guard atop the three “big whales” of worldwide SME accounting tech (Rod Drury moving on from Xero CEO, Brad Smith likewise Intuit and Stephen Kelly unceremoniously removed as Sage CEO) signaled a clear end of Cloud Accounting 1.0 and the industry moving into the 2.0 phase. It’s not only a point hard to argue, it is one that for me, was clearly demonstrated at this year’s edition of Xerocon (South).
Xerocon 2017 – The Review No-one Else Will Write
When Decartes penned his treatise “Cogito ergo sum“, all that he could conclude from critically testing all that he believed to be true was “I think therefore I am”. His very existence was the only thing he could definitively know beyond doubt, all other beliefs could be argued against, ultimately they were opinions or perceptions, not indisputable facts.
A number of people who I met for the first at Xercon this year exclaimed something to the effect: “ah, Matt Paff, you’re that guy who posts those controversial articles!”.
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XeroConSouth2016 – the review no-one will write
The rules of Blogging state that positive articles get more Reads, Likes, Tweets and Shares than critiques (unless you’re Matt Barrie from Freelancer and hitting onto a meme that connects like his crack at the Sydney lock-out laws #NannyState).
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