2021 Predictions reviewed

For the second year in a row, a hectic start to the year has meant a delay in my recurring new year’s articles. My apologies to those who have been waiting with bated breath. For those who haven’t been following along over the last few years, I generally start each year with 2 articles:

  1. Predictions for the year ahead in Biztech – with a specific AuNZ focus; preceded by
  2. A review of how I went last year to hold myself to account.
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Halfway Point Update: 17 PREDICTIONS FOR 2017

For the second year in a row, I started the year with my crack at being a futurist, by publishing my predictions for the Biztech/AccountingTech industry for the year ahead. Unlike most other people who make bold predictions, again I am happy to hold myself to account and check-in on how I am going at the halfway point. I’m happy to proclaim my 2017 edition has already surpassed the accuracy of my predictions for 2016, and we’re only halfway through…

So here goes, my mid-year update with my current “gut-feel” probability of occurring in 2016, reviewing my predictions with the benefit of 6 months hindsight:

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The 7 C’s

In May this year I was lucky enough to present at the Smithink Young Guns Conference on the Gold Coast. My topic, “Leading the firms’ to leverage cloud and new technologies”. In preparing the presentation into a structure that I hoped would be both impactful and memorable, I managed to codify my key points into what I call “The 7 C’s of Value Added services – the secret to en masse adoption of advisory”.

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Convergent Evolution

I’m by no means the first to compare changes in markets and business models with natural selection and the evolution of life. Many, including myself, particularly in recent times, have (perhaps over) quoted Charles Darwin to describe and motivate audiences to react to the technology driven, disruption upon us:

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change”

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