Here goes, after a fairly ordinary go at it in 2019 (which I reviewed here), I’m laying bare my reputation and saddling up for another shot in 2020.
Read morePredictions for 2019 – in review
It’s that time again. A new year and time for Matt Paff’s predictions for the year ahead in BizTech/ Cloud Accounting. BUT, as always, before I do, its only fair that I take the time to review how I fared last year (here’s last year’s predictions).
Read moreSage Intacct Advantage 2019 – The review no-one else will write
4 years ago, after a research trip to Las Vegas for a Sleetercon Conference, I wrote an article titled “Sage – The Waking Giant?“. The crux of the article – was Sage finally about to become a software company, shedding the cloud denying, siloed, listed software fund persona to actually start leveraging its massive cash generating P&L and balance sheet to start competing as a modern business software vendor?
Read more3 Accounting Tech Whales under the investor’s microscope
May is a big month for Accounting Tech investors – we get the “3 big whales” of SME accounting software all reporting within days of each other. Its the one time of year we can assess how much the “rising tide is raising all ships”.
Read moreWinter is coming, Why May is my favourite month in Accounting Tech
For us antipodeans, May is a stark reminder that winter is coming. The introduced deciduous trees we have, have given up hope that this year, climate change means they can keep their leaves, and so our streets are littered with the dry, brown, yellow and orange cast offs of these foreigners, as the days shorten, the weather chills and we all await the next episodes of GOT.
Read moreNot quite 19 Predictions for 2019
Over the last few years I’ve tried my hand at predicting the year in cloud accounting and related biztech ahead, publicly critiquing my efforts at the start of the following year. Call me silly, call me brave, call me whatever you like. I do it because I feel too few are willing to back up their guessing with reflection. So rather than complain about it, I do what I think others should.
Read moreThe ACCC has concerns about the MYOB Reckon deal – I have concerns about the ACCC?!
WARNING: This article is heavily laced with opinions and is not suitable for consumption by those who are sensitive to strong views…
At the end of March, the ACCC released its preliminary findings into the proposed acquisition of Reckon’s Accountant’s division by MYOB.
2 documents were released:
- A media release dated March 29, 2018, titled “ACCC CONCERNED WITH MYOB ACQUISITION OF RECKON ASSETS“
- A Statement of Issues dated March 29, titled “MYOB – proposed acquisition of Reckon’s Accountants Group“
In short, I find the media release ridiculous, poorly worded and off-point. The Statement of Issues, whilst not without some substance, shows a lack of genuine investigation, understanding of competition and technical wherewithal.
Halfway Point Update: 17 PREDICTIONS FOR 2017
For the second year in a row, I started the year with my crack at being a futurist, by publishing my predictions for the Biztech/AccountingTech industry for the year ahead. Unlike most other people who make bold predictions, again I am happy to hold myself to account and check-in on how I am going at the halfway point. I’m happy to proclaim my 2017 edition has already surpassed the accuracy of my predictions for 2016, and we’re only halfway through…
So here goes, my mid-year update with my current “gut-feel” probability of occurring in 2016, reviewing my predictions with the benefit of 6 months hindsight:
The Main Players, The Numbers
Cloud Accounting – May 2017
May has been a BIG month for us Cloud Accounting nerds (and investors), with Sage, Xero and Intuit all reporting. Given the opportunity, I’ve had a high level look at the 3 results (+ MYOBs from Feb for comparison) and performed some analysis. #Interesting
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17 Predictions for 2017
2016 reinforced that life doesn’t always pan out the way one (even the experts) might rationally expect…
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